Thursday, February 27, 2020

Essay question Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Question - Essay Example This is an indication that the big businesses are more positive towards taking more risks in the business and this is what has made them get bigger and bigger than when they started. Being a big business is defined by the number of employees that are hired in the business overall. The more the employees, the larger the organization will be (Porter 78). Big businesses however deal with tens of thousands of employees nationally and globally combined. They have these huge industries and companies that demand attention of a lot of employees from the CEO down to the subordinate staff who are also in plenty. Since these companies are handling both onshore and offshore businesses, and a lot of accounts and customers of their many different products, they have run smoothly and very effectively and this is possible only through working with many employees to handle different aspects of the business. There are employees needed to bring in customers through different marketing strategies. Before products are marketed, they need to be manufactured which means this process of obtaining the raw products and chemicals demand more employees as well. After the manufacturing and marketing, there will be needed workers to sell transport the products to the retail stores and wholesale stores as well as well as take them the products themselves. All these employees need to be paid as well and in case of further expansion, more employees will be needed and hence continuing the growth of the business. Big businesses have more investments and trade more in stocks of the companies they have invested in. They invest in many different companies and in different markets and industries in order to distribute the risks as well as ensure that they continue growing their profits and especially with the current industry that is growing the most. The large organizations have invested in the automation, energy, accounting, inventory and

Monday, February 10, 2020

Transcending the Compulsion beyond the Counter Essay

Transcending the Compulsion beyond the Counter - Essay Example Its history and the way fast food chain of restaurants centering the military base since World War II metamorphosed a sleepy and quiet town into one of the most developed and busy townships of United States. With the sprawling employment, more and more interface of the teenagers was noticed in the fast food industry. Behind the Counter examines the effect of the involvement of the teenage folks readily into the growing fast food industry and its effect on the socio-cultural and socio-economic aspects of American society. Behind the Counter from Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal examines the effect of the â€Å"part-time† jobs and the involvement of the teenagers in the fast food industry. This essay intends to explore and examine the effect of the continuing legacy of the contemporary society of America as well. Behind the Counter is a very important and effective chapter that enables the readers to understand the subtleties and intricate relationships b etween economy, culture, and society. No one can ignore the tremendous power of economy on the development of culture and society and American society is not an exception in this regard. In this chapter, tracing the development and inception of a city which flourished holding the hands of the fast-food chain of restaurants examines how the teens are predominantly converted into the workforce that kept the fast food industry alive. Focusing on the working conditions of these teens, Schlosser also draws attention on the way these part-time jobs into the counters of the fast-food centers interfere in their education and explains the adverse effects of their spending of money.